Abandon me...

Location: Pinedale, Wyoming, United States

Hey there, It's Lilly, Stoney's oldest. It's been a long time since my dad posted about books he's read, so I thought I'd take over. I am a reader. Not just a little bit, but a whole lot. I love reading. I can sit and read ALL day. It's not crazy for me to read several books a day, especially my favorites. So keep posted and read what I have to say about the written word, you won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Dear Lord

Oh Father,
Forgive me, for I have sinned.

I pray that you would straighten me out. Tear me down so that i can be all yours. Take away all that is in me that is not of you and teach me to live like you. To love you. To need you.

I pray that I would talk to you. I found out recently what no communication does to a relationship. It falls apart. It crumbles in the most painful way. I don't want that for us. Lord, please move. Have your way in me. Remind me of your presence and keep me in your hands.

I'm on my knees. Speak to me. Change me. Comfort me. Give me rest.

Have your way with me.