Location: Pinedale, Wyoming, United States

Hey there, It's Lilly, Stoney's oldest. It's been a long time since my dad posted about books he's read, so I thought I'd take over. I am a reader. Not just a little bit, but a whole lot. I love reading. I can sit and read ALL day. It's not crazy for me to read several books a day, especially my favorites. So keep posted and read what I have to say about the written word, you won't be disappointed.

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

A Bad Taste

I decided that I'm tired of people. I've been sitting back and watching people with an open mind for weeks now and I decided about a week ago that half of the people who say they are tired of Christians acting the way they do are the epitome of what they say they hate about Christians. The same people who attack others for their lack of realism in their faith are the very ones who seem to live in a Christian fairyland themselves. Complaint after complaint rolls in about others when the complainers are talking about themselves. Then it makes me wonder if i am the very thing i am writing about now. In the past week, i have been awakened to new depths in my faith. i am realizing so many things about christians, and the church but the minute i open my mouth about it, everyone will nod their heads in annoyed agreement and repitition because its something many have heard over and over again. But its those that nod out of these ill passions that frustrate me the most. It should never have had to be spoken of the first time, let alone the hundreth time that pulls your head up and pushes it down so easily because of its familiarity. This is the problem, its oh too simple to say its a problem. And thats the cycle of hypocracy that, REMARKABLY, leaves a bad taste in ALL of our mouths.


Blogger Christina said...

beka, have i ever told you what a remarkable young woman you are? you keep seeking the Lord and not concerning yourself about others' relationship w/ God. not that you shouldn't be caring, but not so focused on that that it would become distraction. i hope that makes sense. myself and one of my close friends both had struggled, and still do, with that. it's so easy to do. be mindful like you usually are. i love you!

9:02 PM  

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